Sunday 19 July 2009

Celebration assembly

The whole school will gather together on Monday afternoon to share all that they have been doing during our 'One World Month' - it promises to be a great afternoon!

Themed lunch - Indian

We all enjoyed a fab Indian lunch in school on Friday.
This was the final of the four meals we have shared from around the world in school. The curry was delicious and lots of sandwich children but something from India in their packed lunch.

Bollywood dancing

Well done to everyone in KS1 for their fantastic Bollywood music morning last Tuesday.
Each class had the chance to learn special steps and a dance routine in a Bollywood style.
Pics and Videos will be on the life channel shortly.

Sunday 12 July 2009

Themed lunches - American and Italian

We have been lucky enough to have themed lunches at school both last Friday and the Friday before. Cook has served up fab cuisine from the USA and also from Italy (yum,yum garlic bread!). What will this week's themed lunch be?

International Evening

On Thursday 2nd July we celebrated our International Evening at school. We firstly shared cuisines from all around the world, kindly brought in by many parents. It was great to eat new dishes and share food from lots of different countries.

After this, the hall was set up for an evening show-casing talent with an international flavour. This included Irish dancing, our polish singing groups, performances from guitar and recorder groups and choir, to mention but a few. It was a very successful evening - look at the life channel for videos of the evening and read the article all about it in this week's Harp!

Cooking at Archbishop Ilsley

On Thursday 2nd July children from year 5 and year 4 had the chance to use the great cooking facilities at Archbishop Ilsley.

Year 4 made quiche and Year 5 made Irish soda bread. Both of these were brought back to school and eaten at our taste testing of 'food throughout the world' at our International evening. Both were delicious!

Talk on Rwanda

On Tuesday 30th June, Paul Walmsley from the Birmingham Catholic Primary Partnership came into assembly to talk about how some the money we raise during Lent is used.
He explained how some of our money is used in Rwanda to help build schools for children and to sponsor them through their education.
It was interesting to learn and see images of how we support our neighbours, both near and far.